About Us

Gasonet is an emerging city gas distribution company

It is the brainchild of Dinesh Engineers Ltd (DEPL), an eminent Communication Infrastructure Company in the Telecom Sector. With intra-state as well as inter-state fibre networks of around 20,000 km across the country. DEPL is a market leader in the Telecom contracting, fibre leasing and operation and maintenance. of ducts and fibers. and is branching out with this venture to make its mark in the oil and gas sector.

GSL is also supported by Tolani Project Pvt Ltd, a renowned EPC Company. They are a fixture in Cross country pipelines projects, CGD projects, Process piping, Storage tanks projects etc. Since TPPL inception they laid pipelines for Oil, Gas, Water, Effluents, Sewer in excess of 5000 kms. and Resonance Energy Private Ltd (REPL), a prominent energy consulting company in the Oil & Gas sector. predominantly deals in Natural Gas transmission and distribution sector through Research; Consulting & Advisory; Engineering & Project Management Consultancy; and Conferences and Workshops.

With the collective vision and leadership of these three leading businesses, GSL will establish itself as a reliable and efficient gas distribution company.